In the spring of 2024, a few folks from the California Writer’s Club – Sacramento Branch got together with an idea to do something amazing – to bring a general book festival to the greater Sacramento valley.
While the area has an annual Latino Book Festival and an Antiquarian one, we haven’t had an all-genres book fair here for at least a decade and a half.
So in early June, we put on a small initial event, teaming up with the McKinley Park Farmer’s Market for an event with eighteen local authors sharing their books.Despite the quick turnaround and limited publicity, the event was a success, with authors reporting robust book sales, and some visitors traveling from more than a hundred miles away to attend.

The next few months saw a flurry of activity as a small, ad-hoc group of authors gathered and planned out the second year event. A venue was chosen – The Shepard Garden & Arts Center on the far side of McKinley Park from the Farmer’s Market. And a new date was selected – the last Saturday in May.
We are working dilgently to put together an entertaining and literary event that the whole family can enjoy. Watch this space for news.