
Here are some materials that can be used to promote the Sacramento Book Festival. For the full-page fliers, make sure you adjust your printer settings to “Fit to 1 Page” (or similar) and portrait format (not landscape):

Press Release:

Save the Date Cards (8 1/2″ x 11″):

Flier – 2 Per Page

2-Up Flier

Full Page Flier

Full Page Flier

Simple Logo

Simple Logo With “Sacramento Book Festival” Text

Instagram Etc. Memes (Thanks to Jill Davies for These)

Nextdoor Graphic

Share this to your local Nextdoor with a message something like this:

As a local author here in [neighborhood name], I have something exciting to tell you. I’m participating in the first local book festival in a couple of decades, and I’m inviting you to come! Sign up for the mailing list to be kept in the loop:


Shepard Garden & Arts Center Venue Photos: